Our project

Objective of the project

The main objective of  the project is to improve the quality of teaching-learning methods used to build and develop the skills of creativity at adult learners by introducing a game-based approach to learning based on originally elaborated studies, guidelines, methodologies and an educational game for adult educators, and overall to promote game based learning in adult education.

Corresponding to specific objectives

specific objectives

  1. To improve the professional horizons of adult educators by collecting methods to develop the creativity skills for adults;
  2. To expand the knowledge of adult educators by gathering best practices in game based learning methods;
  3. To develop a methodology for the selection of game mechanics suitable for achieving creativity skills;
  4. To create a board game developing creativity skills;
  5. To identify board games appropriate for game mechanics selected.


The above-described specific goals are pursued in the cooperation of different types of organisations from different sectors involved in the project, and thus includes aspects of higher education institutions, a non-governmental organisation, a nonprofit research center and a company from the business sector.

The total number of project participants is 25, which includes adult educators, academic teachers, researchers, game experts and developers. The project involves the participation of persons not financed as part of the project. Several associated partners (NGOs, public bodies, universities, primary educational institutions, foundations, private companies) are involved, but not formally participating in the project.

Our partners

Fontanus Center Ltd.

Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto

Univerza v Ljubljani

NetCoGame Gamefull Living Research Center Non-profit Ltd